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Fire Your Way to Success - by Joseph Anderson, CEO & Founder, Connex Ecommerce
IntroductionIf you thought that getting bigger was the only way to grow your business, this video will pleasantly surprise you. We will introduce you to the 6 part of this course and how it will help your business.
Part I: Fire your products and services
Feeling overwhelmed by managing too many products or services? This video will help you to decide which ones to keep for maximum profits.
Part II: Fire your staff/contractors/consultants
If trouble with managing your employees is keeping you up at night, this video will help you to make tough decisions and help you sleep better.
Part III: Fire your processes
It's natural for your workflow to change with time. This video will help you decide which processes are still serving your business, and which ones drag you down?
Part IV: Fire your vendors/partnershipsPartnerships are tricky because it's nearly impossible for the work to be equally divided. If you have doubts about any of your vendors or partners, this video is for you.
Part V: Fire your customersAt what point do you need to part ways with problem customers? If some of your customers are giving you or your staff trouble, this video will help you let go of them professionally.
Part VI: Fire yourselfIf you are an entrepreneur, you must know the feeling of never being able to take a real break. But, is that the freedom you wanted when you started your business? This video will help you to create a growing business that can stand on its own.