Soap and Paper
When Soap and Paper decided to expand from a small family-owned farmstand to a mainstream online store, they didn't know how to make the pieces of the business puzzle fit. Connex was there to connect all parts of their business, and now they sell online and in large chain stores like TJ Maxx.

Starting off as a hobby in a New York basement, Lisa Devo found love in the art of soap. After the events of 9/11, it was time to move from the big city to the quiet suburbs and focus on family. Lisa’s soaps were so popular with family and friends that she started selling her products at local farmers markets. From there, word of mouth kept Lisa very busy. Lisa knew it was time to expand, but she didn't know how to connect the pieces of her ecommerce business.

As Soap and Paper grew they had to manage many moving parts, from filling orders, to shipping, and everything in between. They were entering orders manually, and then send them over to their shipping solution. Once the order shipped, it would have to manually entered again with updated shipping information. All the cutting and pasting made it difficult for Soap and Paper to scale.

Soap and Paper Factory had a diverse set of needs, as they expanded rapidly, but Connex has bridged the gap between all of Soap and Paper Factory’s outsourced locations. "We had no way to communicate between QuickBooks with ShipStation, and Connex has automated that for us,” cofounder Shannon said.

Soap and Paper has been part of the Connex family for years, and is selling not only online but in large-chain stores like TJ Maxx. After partnering with Connex, all of the pieces were finally connected: "The biggest thing is we can get information to our fufilment center, which is incredible. Then, the information can also go back! Our sales person would have to wait for our shipper to send the tracking number back, in order to update QuickBooks. We depended on cut and paste, but now we can get retail information all in once place," Shannon said.