STNGR With Orders growing at a rapid pace, STNGR was wasting countless hours manually entering orders into QuickBooks, then into their shipping solution. As their business grew, it was time to find a solution as unique and durable as their products! Connex was just the edge they needed to keep up with their growing demand and scalability

When a family passion becomes a business, with growth at its core, and free time becoming even more precious; Ernest owner of STNGR wanted to find a way to give people quality products without breaking the bank. “We sell to regular folks that want quality; our customers are our success, because they believe in us.” “Back in 2016,” says Ernest, “[I was] looking for a way to expand our personal love of the outdoors as a family.” Fast forward a few years, “My son and I have grown the business, and hired 10 people,” notes Ernest. “We are selling high durability equipment such as sunglasses [that] we designed ourselves; they are bulletproof. We sell to regular folks that want quality; our customers are our success because they believe in us.”
When you make high quality products all your business can do is boom, which sounds great, but; “Hours of manual entry kept growing as the business grew; it was a nightmare.” Thus, Ernest needed to find a way to break free from the hours he was spending entering and reentering orders; “...we started with QuickBooks desktop, linked up to Shopify [then] we would have to reenter ALL of the orders.” “Hours of manual entry kept growing as the business grew, it was a nightmare.” Ernest remembered, “The first 6-8 months we had 1000 orders. From there it was 15,000, then 30,000.” The rapid growth was amazing and brought so much excitement to the family; however, all the manual entry was taking away from the time Ernest could devote to his family and his growing customer base.

Ernest needed to get back all the hours manual entry was taking away from STNGR and his family, thus his search began. Therefore, Ernest needed something that would meet his need to eliminate manual entry. In addition, he wanted to be able to group his clients so he could generate a customer list in QuickBooks; with the goal of segmenting so that clients could be notified and engeaged in STNGR’s marketing campaigns. Moreover, he needed to find something that was as diverse as his sunglasses are durable and that wasn’t going to be easy, after all his glasses can withstand being run over by a truck! “After I did some research online, Connex had far and away the best reviews, so it was an easy decision.” The hunt for an answer can be a daunting task and takes time. Thankfully we live in a data driven world powered by reviews and scores; this allowed Ernest to refine his seach and find what he was seeking. “After I did some research online, Connex had far and away the best reviews, so it was an easy decision.”
It has been a while since Ernest found Connex, “Once Joe helped us map it was on autopilot, we could not have kept up if it weren’t for Connex. The logic of syncing transactions prevented us from needing a full-time staff. Because of Connex we can reuse customer data from our Shopify and Quick- Books when we use email marketing.” “...We could not have kept up if it weren’t for Connex. The logic of syncing transactions prevented us from needing a full time staff...” When reflecting about STNGR’s time with Connex, Ernest recalled, “It has been a great partnership; someone is always there to call me or help me when I am in need. My favorite part about Connex is the people; everyone genuinely cares, when I need help someone is always there to get things corrected”