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Eliminate data entry between different software systems

Most businesses use many different software systems; software to ship orders, software to take orders, warehousing software, and accounting software. Sellers double enter orders into all these systems because nothing communicates. Without Connex, imagine a football team where all the players run a different play. One guy runs the ball. Another goes out for a pass and another takes a knee. That guy taking the knee is usually the business owner.

With Connex, imagine a team huddle where the quarterback calls the play. 42 dive. Ready, break! For our sellers, we eliminate this manual data entry. With our software, our customers can ship their orders, prevent oversells and overstock, and get paid.


We have a very strict inventory list and Connex was just the smoothest product out there that was functional and easy to use.

Hilary Famolare, Bordertown Farms

Discover the ease of Connex

Dive into our demo account and see for yourself how our analytics tool can revolutionize your order management workflow.

Explore features like:

  • Sales and profit forecasting for all sales channels
  • Amazon dashboard for COGS after fees
  • Analytics to manage expenses, profitability, and taxes

Focus on your core business

For many companies, building 3rd party integrations is something they feel they must do instead of wanting to create.

Many businesses write an API, but few companies want to use them. The development companies on both sides are either too busy or lack the skills to write the integration. This leaves the business owner stuck.

The cost to write software from scratch is usually too expensive for many businesses. They enter the data by hand, instead of paying for custom software. That's where we come in.

Because we have many integrations out of box, we can build software faster for less money than starting from scratch. At Connex, we have over 15 years of experience writing custom integrations. We have worked with eCommerce, POS, accounting, warehousing and inventory management software. We will not only build your bridge, but we will also maintain the software. For development companies, we offer an intuitive API to sync your data.

Profits Dashboard

Write one integration for multiple back office systems

Building integrations is time consuming and difficult. You have to build one integration at a time and the software is difficult to reuse.

Connex can build these back office integrations for a fraction of the cost and time. We have the infrastructure to support maintaining the integrations and reusing them across multiple projects. Your company can focus on its core product and Connex can focus on the 3rd party integrations. Connex is not just about connecting systems. It’s about connecting with people. We have helped 5,000 customers worldwide keep their ordering and back office systems in sync.


Find answers to frequently asked questions about Connex.

What kind of systems can you integrate?

Almost any system connected to the internet. Not necessarily eCommerce. We have worked with many point of sale (POS) companies in the past. We work with CRM tools, warehouse and inventory management systems. Please reach out for a quote.

Is there a cost to maintain the software?

We must keep the software available, since the software works only if connected to the internet. On top of any development fees, there is a charge. Review our pricing page for plans.

What kind of software can you build?

There are many things we can build! Here are a few examples; we can sync orders to your accounting system, sync stock changes to and from your selling channel, and create reports.

Get the full picture of your
ecommerce sales and inventory